An Intelligent Approach To Healing From Within

Our Functional Health Practitioners enhance your wellbeing by nurturing your body, mind, and spirit. They address and correct the root causes of your health issues. With personalized coaching, we guide you towards a harmonious, disease-free, and enjoyable life.

About Us

Our team of Functional Health Practitioners is committed to guiding you towards optimal health and well-being. With extensive experience and a profound dedication to Functional Health and personalized nutrition, we are eager to accompany you on a transformative journey toward a healthier, happier self.


Personalized Guidance

We offer one-on-one consultations tailored to your unique needs and goals, ensuring a personalized and effective plan to living your best life.


Functional Health Consultations

We'll start with a discussion about your health history, dietary habits, lifestyle, and any specific concerns you have. We'll also ask about your wellness goals. Then we'll perform a preliminary assessment and order third-party labs to identify potential nutritional deficiencies or imbalances. This consultation sets the foundation of your health plan, aimed at optimizing your well-being. Expect to leave with initial recommendations and a clear understanding of the next steps in your health and healing journey.

Nutritional Wellness Assessments

As Functional Health Practitioners and Coaches, we employ advanced tools to uncover underlying imbalances or deficiencies, and consider genetic, environmental, and physical factors that could impact your health. This holistic approach ensures we can develop an effective plan to not only address immediate health issues but also to promote long-term wellness and prevent future ailments.

Meal Planning and Guidance

Our meal planning and guidance are meticulously tailored to your unique nutritional needs and health goals. We integrate the latest scientific research and your personal food preferences to create enjoyable, balanced meals that support your body's healing and maintenance. Our plans focus on whole foods, emphasizing quality proteins, healthy fats, and an abundance of fruits and vegetables to ensure optimal nutrient intake. We also provide practical advice on meal preparation, portion control, and how to make healthier food choices in any situation. Regular follow-ups allow us to refine your plan, ensuring it adapts to your evolving health needs and preferences, keeping you motivated and on track towards achieving lasting wellness.

Functional Health Transformation Strategy

Our integrated approach to managing autoimmune conditions, Type 2 diabetes, and weight loss focuses on empowering you to heal and balance your body naturally. Through personalized nutrition plans, we target the root causes of these conditions, emphasizing anti-inflammatory foods, balanced blood sugar levels, and nutrient density. Coupled with lifestyle adjustments, including tailored exercise programs, stress reduction techniques, and sleep quality improvement, our holistic strategy fosters your body's intrinsic ability to repair and maintain optimal health. Continuous support, education, and motivation from our team ensure you're equipped to make sustainable changes. This comprehensive care model is designed to enhance your well-being, guiding you towards achieving and maintaining your health goals, fostering a life of vitality without dependency on conventional medication.


What Are Our Customers Saying ?

"When my A1C was high, I knew I had to make some lifestyle changes, because the medications were no really helping. SFH taught me a lot, and now I'm managing my blood sugar with what I put on my plate"

Jennifer P.

"I was able to find the best guidance and support to help me manage my diabetes and IBS. I was shocked to learn it was all about changing my, not so good, lifestyle choices."

Nathan O.

Our Team

With over 30 years as a Health Coach, starting in nutrition, and moving into health and wellness I've evolved into a coach who integrates culinary skills, exercise, and nutritional science. My functional health approach creates personalized, evidence-based programs focusing on diet, exercise, and sustainable lifestyle changes. I guide clients towards optimal health, managing weight, preventing disease, and achieving lasting wellness, providing motivational support and expert advice throughout their journey.

Edward McGilly- Health Coach & Founder

As a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist, I specialize in tailored meal plans to optimize health. Utilizing science-based tactics and, I address the root of health conditions, aiming for sustainable change through balanced nutrition and support. I offer in-person and remote consultations, focusing on individual health objectives and challenges. Let's embark on a journey to achieve your wellness goals together.

Jennifer Carbone- Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist


What is Functional Health, and how is it different from regular nutrition counseling?

Functional Health is an individualized, holistic approach focusing on identifying and addressing the root causes of health issues rather than just treating symptoms. Unlike traditional nutrition counseling, which often concentrates on dietary guidelines and weight management, Functional Health delves deeper. It integrates diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors to promote optimal wellness. This approach considers your unique genetic makeup, environmental exposures, and lifestyle choices, offering a personalized plan to enhance your health and prevent disease. Functional Health aims to restore balance and support your body's natural healing processes, leading to sustainable health improvements and a greater sense of well-being.

Will I have to follow a strict diet plan, and can I still enjoy the foods I love?

At Smart Functional Health, we believe in creating nutrition plans that are both effective and enjoyable. While we may recommend adjustments to your current eating habits, our approach is not about strict diets or deprivation. We work with you to incorporate nourishing, whole foods that you enjoy into your daily life. Our focus is on making sustainable changes that fit your lifestyle, allowing you to savor the foods you love while promoting better health.

How long does it take to see results with Smart Functional Health?

The timeline for seeing results can vary depending on individual factors, including your specific health goals, commitment to the program, and the nature of your health concerns. Some clients may experience positive changes within a few weeks, while others may take longer. Our approach emphasizes long-term health and well-being, so we prioritize sustainable progress over quick fixes. We'll work closely with you to set realistic expectations and create a personalized plan that aims for gradual and lasting improvements in your health and vitality. Your journey to better health is unique, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

Get In Touch

22 Southern Blvd, Nesconset, NY 11767, USA